HomEvap Standalone evaporative humidifier or cooler
The most energy-efficient form of humidification and cooling, easy to maintain with low running costs.
This method uses so-called "wet pads", which are placed in the airflow, this causes evaporation to take place and the air is cooled and humidified.
The silent, built-in fan of this system enables cooling or humidification by distributing the air directly through a grille through the house or at the office. The hygrostat measures the humidity and temperature in your room. If the measured value is lower than the desired value, the hygrostat switches the HomEvap on or off until the desired value is reached. This installation improves the air quality in any desired space.
Increases comfort indoor climate
Do you suffer from dry eyes, stinging nose, cold hands and creaky wooden floors in the winter? Then the air in the house is too dry. This does not feel comfortable and you are rather cold. Relative humidity and temperature have a major influence on each other. The drier the air, the colder it can feel because the skin dries out. If the RH is at a pleasant level (40%-60%) it will feel more comfortable and the thermostat can also be slightly lower.
Healthy indoor climate
When you decide to invest in a HomEvap humidifier, it is always a good choice. Dry air can cause headaches, dry itchy skin, a sore, dry throat and sore, tired eyes. In addition, the transmission of airborne viruses, such as flu, is higher in rooms where the air is dry (<40%RV). The installations improve the quality of the air we breathe and prevent colds and infections. If you invest in an adiabatic humidifier, you increase the air quality of your home, the performance of your employees or the learning performance of children in a daycare center.
Automatic operation
de HomEvap Standalone (voormalig Direct) wordt standaard aangestuurd door een draadloos bedieningspaneel, maar kan bijvoorbeeld ook worden aangesloten op een domotica systeem of different. This ensures automatic operation of the system. You don't have to worry about it. The unit switches on and off according to the demand for moisture or cooling.
De HomEvap Standalone kan overal ingebouwd worden waar ruimte is; in een garderobe, berging, zolder, enz. Belangrijk is dat de unit vrije aanzuig heeft en vrij kan weg blazen.
No visible installation
De HomEvap Standalone kan overal ingebouwd worden waar ruimte is; in een garderobe, berging, zolder enz. Belangrijk is dat de unit vrije aanzuig heeft en vrij kan weg blazen.
The unit consists of a humidifier or cooler and a fan box. that are linked together by a stitch or channel.
Advice: install acoustic hose after the unit to reduce the noise of the fan.